News & Events
World AIDS Week
In commemoration of World AIDS Day on December 1st, the World AIDS Day task force sponosred by the CSC will be hosting a week of events that focus on increasing awareness for HIV/AIDS among Notre Dame students and faculty. The events range from a panel discussion to the viewing of Philadelphia to packaging home care kits that will be sent abroad to the homes of HIV/AIDS patients.
Dorm Education Nights
Monday, November 20, 2006
7pm – 8pm Morrisey – South Quad 8:15pm – 9:15pm – Sorin God Quad 9:30pm – 10:30pm Keough – West Quad Facilitators: Nicole Steele, Sarah Wheaton (7pm and 8:15) Bryan Hambley (9:30) Fr. Andres
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
7pm-8pm Pasquerella West – Mod Quad 8:15pm -9:15pm Zahm – North Quad Facilitators: Colleen Mallahan (7 and 8:15) Fr. Andres
Each education night will have the following format: Brief introduction by a member of the World Aids Day Task Force with some Aids statistics 15min movie clip- “A Closer Walk” 10min (each facilitator) Please share some of your own experiences with Aids. Give us an overview of your involvement and work. Then please share a more specific experience that would allow the group some insight into what it means to live with Aids in that setting. The remaining time will be used for discussion and questions.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Two Worlds, One Challenge: The Many Faces of AIDS – Panel 7pm in LaFortune Ballroom A panel examining the different challenges faced in the developed and developing world when addressing HIV/AIDS. Panelists: Fr. Andres from AIDS Ministries of South Bend, Dr. Carolyn Klaus from Hope in View, and Mr. Paul Horn, Director of Communications for the Center for Social Concerns
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Viewing of Philadelphia starring Tom Hanks 8pm in 120 Debartolo Suggested Donation: $2
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Poverty and Structural Inequality in the AIDS Crisis Keynote Speaker: Deborah Stanley from AIDS Ministries 7pm in the Eck Center A talk focusing on economic, social, and physical inequalities encountered by AIDS victims in the United States today.
Liturgy presided over by Father Kollman 11pm in the Log Chapel
Candlelight Vigil at the Grotto Midnight. Meet there or join procession from Log Chapel
Friday, December 1, 2006
WORLD AIDS DAY. Wear red today! Shirts available at North and South Dining Halls and LaFortune!
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Packaging 150 Home Care Kits 11am in the Center for Social Concerns Classroom
Notre Dame World AIDS Week Shirts Available on Wed. Nov. 29th, Thurs. Nov. 30th, Fri. Dec. 1st : Lunch and dinner at North and South Dining Halls. LaFortune Ballroom from 8pm to 11pm
Suggested Donation $5-10. Funds raised will be donated to AIDS Ministries of South Bend and Touching Tiny Lives in Lesotho, Africa.
NDEER 2006
The Center for Aquatic Conservation, GLOBES, The Office of Research, and The Graduate School invite you to participate in NDEER 2006. NDEER 2006: 5th Annual Symposium on Notre Dame Environmental Education and Research.
November 16, 2006 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Center for Continuing Education
NDEER 2006 is an interdisciplinary conference that seeks to engage Notre Dame’s community of scholars in a day-long workshop entitled “Forging Integrative Solutions: Challenges in Disease, Water Quality, and Pollution.” The morning plenary sessions will feature guest speakers Dr. Austin Demby, Director of the CDC’s Global Aids Program in Malawi, South Africa; Douglass Rohrman, environmental lawyer with the Chicago law firm of Lord, Bissell, and Brook; and Peter Annin, former Newsweek journalist and author of “The Great Lakes Water Wars.” Topic workshops continue during afternoon breakout sessions followed by a general panel discussion and reports.
The morning plenary is open to the entire Notre Dame community. Graduate students and faculty members are invited to register for the lunch and afternoon breakout sessions. To register and for more information, go to the NDEER website . There is no cost for registration.
ND Global Health Listserv
In order to facilitate the campus conversation begun by the ND Forum about global health issues, the Provost’s Office and the Office of Student Affairs have created a ND Global Health listserv. This will serve as a conduit for listserv members to share information about various projects, initiatives and events. To join the listserv, please visit
GuluWalk on Oct. 22
“For children who have never known peace, hope walks on.” Join us in South Bend, along with others in 70 cities in 14 countries around the world, and let the voices of the children of Northern Uganda be heard.
WHAT: South Bend GuluWalk
WHEN: October 22, 2006; Registration begins at 12:30, walk at 2:00PM
WHERE: Potawatami Zoo Park to IUSB gymnasium for a rally.
TRANSPORTATION: To/from walk beginning at 12:30 pm from main circle.
Registration is free. Donations welcome.
QUESTIONS or want to pre-register? Contact Lindsay Hero at
Streaming Archived Webcast Available
The archived webcast is available in streaming Windows Media format. Quicktime and iPod downloads will be available September 22, 2006. View video
Archived Webcast Available Sept 21.
The archived version of the Forum webcast and event photos will be available on Thursday, Sept 21.
Forum Event Concluded
The Notre Dame Forum on global health has concluded. However, you will have an opportunity to watch the event. We will be posting the video for download once it is processed, so please check the Forum homepage.
For now, please browse the site. We have added more information about the background of the panelists and their experiences in Africa. In addition, you will find schedules for residence hall discussions between faculty and students.
Take the Forum Survey
Have an opinion on what should be done about the global health crisis? Take the Forum survey .
Champion Of the Poor
When Paul Farmer first went to Haiti in 1983, he was studying medicine and anthropology and hoping to become a doctor for the poor, perhaps in Africa. Read more on Time’s website >
How To End Poverty
Eight million people die each year because they are too poor to stay alive. A provocative plan on how we can save them. Read more on Time’s website >
Class Schedule Announcement
In order to allow students to travel to and from the forum, no classes will meet between 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm. Classes that partially overlap the forum timeframe can meet for an abbreviated period on September 14, or be canceled or rescheduled.
Notre Dame Forum 2006
The Global Health Crisis: Forging Solutions, Effecting Change
September 14, 2006 Joyce Center arena
“The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political, economic or social condition.”
These words, from the Constitution of the World Health Organization, were written more than half a century ago; yet today, a greater number and even greater percentage of the world’s population live in communities where poverty, disease, and premature death are the norm. Despite incredible scientific achievements, preventable or treatable diseases continue to devastate large segments of the human community—including 10 million children who die each year.
What responsibility do we have to reach out to those who suffer from poverty, malnutrition, and disease? Moreover, given increased global interconnectivity, can we ignore this global health crisis without risking new threats from infectious diseases?
The second annual Notre Dame Forum engages these important questions by inviting discussion across the various fields of inquiry that relate to global health concerns. Experts from the field will convene with members of the Notre Dame community to seriously reflect on appropriate responses to the pressing global health crisis.
Distinguished Panelists
Dr. Paul Farmer
Dr. Paul Farmer is a medical anthropologist and physician who has dedicated his life to treating some of the world’s poorest populations, in the process helping to raise the standard of healthcare in underdeveloped areas of the world. The founding director of Partners in Health, an international nonprofit organization that provides direct healthcare, research, and advocacy activities on behalf of those who are sick and living in poverty, Dr. Farmer has worked in Haiti, Peru, Russia and Rwanda to develop an international response to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Currently the Presley Professor of Medical Anthropology in the Department of Social Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, Dr. Farmer is the subject of Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World (Random House, 2003) by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Kidder.
Dr. Jeffrey Sachs
Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, dubbed the “world’s best-known economist” by Time magazine, has spent his professional career researching the causes and effects of global poverty and has served as economic advisor to numerous countries and international agencies on problems of poverty reduction, debt cancellation for the poorest countries, and disease control. He is director of the Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and professor of health policy and management at Columbia University. He also directs the United Nations Millennium Project, an international initiative to reduce extreme poverty, disease and hunger in the world by the year 2015. Dr. Sachs is the author of The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time (Penguin, 2006).
Dr. Miriam Opwonya
Dr. Miriam Opwonya is the coordinator of clinical trials for anti-retroviral HIV/AIDS therapy at Makerere University Infectious Diseases Institute and former coordinator of an HIV/AIDS home-based care program in the city and suburbs of Kampala, Uganda. Specializing in tropical medicine, Dr. Opwonya provides comprehensive HIV/AIDS patient care, conducts behavior change and health seminars, and studies ways to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.
Gwen Ifill is moderator and managing editor of “Washington Week” and senior correspondent for “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer”, both produced by PBS. She is also frequently asked to moderate debates in national elections, most recently the Vice Presidential debate during the 2004 election. Ifill spent several years as a Washington Week panelist before taking over the moderator’s chair in October 1999. Before coming to PBS, she spent five years at NBC News as chief congressional and political correspondent. While at NBC, she covered the premier political stories affecting the nation, including national political campaigns and conventions, legislation before Congress, and the impeachment of President Clinton.
The Role of the Jordan Hall of Science

A cutting-edge facility to forge 21st century solutions to the global health crisis. This year’s Forum coincides with the opening of our new Jordan Hall of Science... > Read More
News & Events
World AIDS Week
In commemoration of World AIDS Day on December 1st, the World AIDS Day task force sponosred by the CSC will be hosting a week of events that focus on increasing awareness for HIV/AIDS among Notre Dame students and faculty.