Notre Dame Global Health Research Funding
$19,208,532 million from National Institutes of Health toward malaria research.
National Institutes of Health and Eli Lilly funding for designing novel antibiotics.
Haiti Program: 5.2 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
$2.5 million from the Gates Research Foundation/National Institutes of Health to develop a novel approach to controlling dengue disease.
$2.5 million from the US Army and DARPA to develop a vaccine for use by the US military to combat cutaneous leishmaniasis deases, which causes substantial mortality in developing countries.
$2.7 million from two National Institutes of Health grants: one for reducing the incidence of child maltreatment due to neglect and abuse by high-risk mothers; the second for helping clarify neglect as a construct and its importance in determining child development in multiple domains.
$2 million from the Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund to develop genomic tolls that will facilitate the study of a wide range of insects.
$9 million grant for the W.M. Keck Center for Transgene Research.
$7.5 million to commercialize a treatment for thalassemia and other orphan diseases.
Walther Cancer Research Center will proceed with $700 K to recruit new investigators specializing in cellular oncology and the design of anticancer drugs.
$8.3 million funded by congressional budget mandates and administered by the US Dept of Energy and National Institutes of Health for a new biomedical engineering lab supporting biomedical research –to study biomechanics and biomaterials in orthopedics.
The Role of the Jordan Hall of Science

A cutting-edge facility to forge 21st century solutions to the global health crisis. This year’s Forum coincides with the opening of our new Jordan Hall of Science... > Read More
News & Events
World AIDS Week
In commemoration of World AIDS Day on December 1st, the World AIDS Day task force sponosred by the CSC will be hosting a week of events that focus on increasing awareness for HIV/AIDS among Notre Dame students and faculty.